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IGCSE Glossary

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Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to attract electrons in a molecule.electronegativity

Author - Vasyl
Hits - 460
Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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An electron is a sub atomic particle which orbits the nucleus of an atom and carries a negative charge. Often represented by the letter e with a - sign (  e


Author - David Fowkes
Hits - 3487
Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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The liquid that conducts a current in an electrolysis circuit because it contains free flowing ions

Author - David Fowkes
Hits - 2367
Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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A double stranded molecule. Each strand is made of a chain of deoxyribonucleotides. Deoxyribonucleotides are made of a sugar (deoxyribose), a phosphate group and one of four different bases (A,G,C,T). The bases on DNA code for the order of amino acids in proteins.

Author - Vasyl
Hits - 1125
Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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What happens to a solute when it is added to a solvent in which it is soluble

Author - David Fowkes
Hits - 3234
Synonyms - go into solution, become a solution, break down
diesel fuel
Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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Diesel fuel in general is any liquid fuel specifically designed for use in diesel engines. The diesel fuel used in cars contains hydrocarbon molecules which contain between 12 and 20 carbon atoms. Such fuel has  a density of approximately 0.85 kg/l

Author - Vasyl
Hits - 1152
Daisaku Ikeda
Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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Daisaku Ikeda (池田 大作, Ikeda Daisaku, born 2 January 1928) is a Japanese Buddhist philosopher, educator, author, and nuclear disarmament advocate. He has served as the third president and then honorary president of the Soka Gakkai, the largest of Japan's new religious movements.
Author - Vasyl
Hits - 1107
Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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The gelatinous substance that fills a cell and that the organelles are suspended in. It is made mainly of water, salts and organic substances.

Author - Vasyl
Hits - 1029
copper (II) chloride
Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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copper II chloride

Author - David Fowkes
Hits - 2676
copper (I) oxide
Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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copper I oxide

Author - David Fowkes
Hits - 2348
Synonyms - copper I oxide
Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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The concentration of a solution can be measured in a number of ways:

when considering concentration we will use the measure of moles/dm3  solution.


Author - David Fowkes
Hits - 3275
Synonyms - strength of solution
Chloroethene image
Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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Chloroethene is also known as Vinyl Chloride. 

chloroethene pic

Vinyl chloride is used to make the polymer poly vinyl chloride ( PVC)

Author - David Fowkes
Hits - 2374
Chloroethene dot and cross
Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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chloroethene dot and cross 2



Author - David Fowkes
Hits - 2994
Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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the negative electrode in an electrolysis circuit

Author - David Fowkes
Hits - 2526
Glossaries - GCSE chemistry
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A substance that can be added to a reaction to increase the rate of reaction without being used up.

Author - georgie
Hits - 2424